Friday, January 30, 2009
Flashback's back!
This memory dates back to 8th grade. Must be 1984-ish. I was in middle school and I was one of those very shy and quiet kids that no one knew existed, but I was really good with names and faces so I knew a lot of people. There were a couple of adorable, sweet and very popular girls and I just happened to have a class with one of them. I actually sat right in front of her. I never talked to her and we weren't friends, but one day I was at home going through my box of "treasures" that my mom had kept for me. In that box was a newspaper clipping of baby pictures. They were pictures of babies that were turning one! I was included in said newspaper clipping and I noticed another baby with the same name as this girl who sat behind me. Her name was Kari (said like Carrie). Somewhat an unusual spelling for her name so I figured maybe it was her. I took the clipping to school and then during our class together I turned around and showed it to her and the only thing I said was, "is this you?" She said, "yes! oh my gosh!" with excitement and a smile. She had never seen it before and had no idea it existed. That was the ice breaker we needed to begin a very long and wonderful friendship. To this day, we are still friends. She is there for me no matter what and no matter how much time passes. We can go without contact for a time and pick right up where we started. We have so much history together. We cheered in high school together. We took driver's ed together and actually drove with each other. We took the handicapped kids on activities together. She was my rock when my parents divorced. We lived/worked/went to school together freshman year in college. We both became paralegals. She moved to Idaho and met her husband and then moved back to Utah. She hosted and helped me celebrate Don's 30th party. We both got married and had babies one month apart from each other. I moved to Iowa and then back to Utah. We had second children six months apart from each other. Our kids went to preschool together. We had our third babies a year apart from each other. She moved up to Logan. She was my rock when I got divorced. She has always been there for me and I love her to death! I am so glad that I made that first move (which was totally out of my comfort zone - btw) and that she is so sweet and kind that she actually befriended me despite my nerdy and borderline stalker approach. The Lord puts people into our lives when we need them and I am so glad he brought us together. Thanks Kari for everything and thanks for the funny memories.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sundance '08
Danielle, Mom, Billy and I went to Park City to hang out. We took some pictures and froze to death. was still fun. We didn't see any movies while we were there, we just hung out. All of my siblings saw a movie the day Summer and I were supposed to celebrate our birthdays. That's another story.
We saw Adrian Grenier after a suh-weet day of skiing and some postal shopping. (I'm quite sure he was sending postcards!) We saw a few other celebs that weren't very well known. Only Danielle could tell who they were because she is so good at spotting celebs. I swear she can spot anyone. Literally. Then, Danielle and I went to Park City on another day to hang out again. We tried to catch a shot of Charlize Theron but alas she was too quick for us and escaped out a side door of a restaurant and into a car and drove off. It was very James Bond-like!
I did an interview for a small station on t.v. It was pretty ridiculous actually. I sounded like an blubbering idiot in front of the camera with a bunch of crew members staring at me. I was just thankful that I had on a snow hat, sunglasses and scarf. I'm pretty incognito and no one actually watches that station. I figured they wouldn't use it because it was so awful, but Derrek said they probably will because they usually like dumb people. You know like Jay Leno's stupid "Jay Walkers." Um...crap.
We saw Nick Cannon, Josie Moran and Tommy Davidson (who is very short and smiley). Josie let us take a picture but I think Danielle has it. We also ran into Bart Johnson. Bart is an old friend of Danielle's from our college days at UVSC. He played the part of Troy's dad in High School Musical. Danielle took our picture for the kids because we thought they would be interested...a little. They weren't. They didn't really care. It may be because he looks so raggedy. Anyway, we had a lot of fun. But not enough fun to do it again in 09. Derrek did work the Kenneth Cole Black party this year. He was in charge of the swag. Maybe he'll post his pictures on his blog but if not, you can check em out on his facebook. I hyper-linked everyone to their IMDB page just FYI cuz I'm sweet like that.

Me and Bart
Mom, Billy, me and Dani
Adrian Grenier - Entourage hottie
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Aquarium Time
All six kiddos -Ari, Dalton, Macie, Loren, Mikaela and Hudson
Saturday, January 24, 2009
The Big 3-0!!!
Just so ya'll know...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Happy Birthday Larissa!!!
Things I love about Larissa:
she always gets things done no matter how busy she is
she is super active in the church (primary presidency)
In 1978, Sweden became the first nation in the world to ban aerosol sprays, believed to be damaging to earths ozone layer. (thanks Sweden, and Jan. 23 for making it happen)
In 2006, scientists win federal $ to map genomes of pigs in hope of producing better pork (that's a great investment if you ask me)
In 1849, Elizabeth Blackwell becomes the first female physician in the US.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Door-to-door homemade birthday cards! Woot-woot!
Because it was such an odd yet awesome experience, I couldn't contain my excitement so I told Suzanne and Summer about the card. I couldn't help it! They both pointed out to me that I was a jerk for only buying one card. If I had bought the other one, he could have headed home. I am such a jerk! But, I only had two quarters and I was afraid if I gave him a dollar for both cards he might get upset and freak out. Okay...I'm justifying. Remember when I said I was frugal? What do you bet he comes back now selling me cards for every occasion? Or, maybe some useless household items? And, how the heck did he know that it was my birthday and Summer's birthday in a week...Hmmmm?
Mormon mommy bloggers rock!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
My latest love letter...
Dalton brought this home to me. Notice how wrinkled it is? All his papers come home squished in his backpack like that. It's pretty fun to try to read it all and straighten it all out. This was a cute little letter he wrote to me. It says, "Dear mom, i am so! glad! i Hav! a! mother! i wooD be criyeeng to deth if i DiDnt Hav a mom. your son Dalton." All his D's are capitalized because of his name. Looks like we need to work on capitals and lower case letters and a little punctuation will help. He's exclamation point happy like his mother!!!
Dalton's on a letter writing kick!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Is it time to start thinking about this...

I think we should get Snickers one of these super hot ensembles? Don't you? Or, maybe one for Snickers and Princess!!!
It's a small world after all...
Monday, January 12, 2009
I'm supposed to be the teacher, but yesterday I was the student!
We also talked about the responsibilities we were given in the premortal life as well as the responsibilities that people in the scriptures were given to help accomplish Heavenly Father's work. After this lesson, I felt that I was actually prepared to deal with the trials that I have been asked to deal with. (Even though I constantly complain and cry about not being able to handle them!) I love this quote from Brigham Young:
I realize that everyone has trials and problems that they have to deal with. And, to each person, their individual trials also seem unbearable! I also remembered a quote I heard in college that I always try to remember, but forget to follow. I don't know where it came from, but I like it.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Happy's a new wrinkle!
Today I showed Tamra my new wrinkle. She admitted it wasn't there last weekend. I told her it was brand spankin' new. She tried to make me feel better by telling me that maybe it is from lack of sleep or eye puffiness. But, I don't think so. If it's still there by next week, I'm thinking it's mine forever. I've decided to call it my birthday wrinkle. I think I hate birthdays! I think I hate getting older! I think I hate that my life didn't turn out like I had dreamed! sniff...sniff I think I need pie!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
What does hookers mean?
As we continued eating, we had tons of guys and girls trickle into the Rio. The aforementioned hoochies were part of this group. They were young and dressed to kill. Well, mostly young. There were a few oldies trying to pass themselves off as young-ins. Apparently, the Rio was their meeting place. I have no idea where they were headed, but those girls were in for a very long, cold, painful and uncomfortable night. I just can't imagine hanging out in a tiny skirt with cold legs and high heels. Ouch! There must be easier ways to attract a man! Maybe I'm just gettin' old!
We celebrated the rest of the night at home. We dipped strawberries, fortune cookies and pretzels and had those at midnight along with some pots and pans bangin', texting and fireworks from the local city on our doorstep. Happy 2009!!! I hope it's better than last year! I could really use a "new" year!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I'm back...
Monday, January 5, 2009
Happy {late} Birthday Billy!
Billy's birthday was December 18th and I didn't get around to posting his birthday post and pictures. So, I figure it's better late than never. So, here ya go.
Things I love about Billy:
He is a talented builder
He loves mayonaise (?)
So, there are a few things I love about my brother Billy. I think he would prefer that we call him Bill but some things you just can't change. Sorry!