Saturday, March 22, 2008

Free lip injections anyone???

Today I have Angelina Jolie lips minus the sexy part. After a very stressful and toxic Wednesday, I woke up Friday with the beginnings of numerous cold sores on both sides of the top lip! I usually start downing the Lysine, using my cream from mexico and every other method I can think of to stop it. Needless to say I couldn't nip these in the bud and so they bloomed into large, blistery, ugly sores. They hurt and it's miserable. But, on the bright side, I know what I would look like with bigger lips and they didn't cost me a thing! I don't know about anyone else but, I feel like everyone I talk to is staring right at the cold sores. I am sure it's just insecurities, but it feels that way. Why is it that only some people have to suffer these and others don't? I don't get it.


Mikie Rose said...

does angelina jolie have big lips?

Keli said...

I bet you look right sexy with those honkin' lips.

And good call on the strawberries. I totally would have gone with the socks because I don't eat food that's not individually packaged and covered in preservatives. That just seems unsanitary.

Jill Johnson said...

I had the same problem last week. Except I would say to everyone, "I know you are starring at my huge cold sores." Their response everytime, "What cold sores". I don't know if they were being nice, or if I was so insecure that I had to point it out. I hate them.

Larissa said...

The Angelina lips are gone. Fortunately, they didn't last long.

Yes, Mikaela Angelina has big lips. They are too big for her body!

Hillary said...

I am glad to hear that they are gone. I was one of those people who never got cold sores but I got my first one a couple of weeks ago when I had a bad cold. It was awful. So I guess it is true when they say never say never.

Meg & Josh said...

I was going to say, your lips looked great Sunday! You also looked great, you look super skinny!