Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My New Year's Resolution.

I think New Year's resolutions are dumb. So many people make them and don't keep them. The gym is always packed till February. I don't like it. I think you should make changes for the better all year long, so I don't bother doing it at the first of the year. However, I read an email about two words that would change my life. Those two words were "THANK YOU." So, I decided that I would focus on having more gratitude this year. Gratitude for the small things and the big things we take for granted. A chair, bed, towels, soap, oven, toothpaste, carpet, a job, clothes, shoes, coats, computer, pictures, food, electricity, running car, music, religion, roads, planes, phones, etc. I also have gratitude that I can think, laugh, see, smile, run, play, enjoy, breathe, walk, sleep, love, I'm alive and I am me.

A quote from the email:
"There are two words that, when spoken, have the most unfathomable power to completely change your life. Two words which, when they pass your lips, will be the cause of bringing absolute joy and happiness to you. Two words that will create miracles in your life. Two words that will wipe out negativity. Two words that will bring you abundance in all things. Two words which, when uttered and sincerely felt, will summon all the forces and vibrations in the Universe to move all things for you.

The only thing standing between you, happiness, and the life of your dreams, are two words...

I am grateful that I know there are two words that can change my life!!! Thank you to all my family, friends and neighbors that love me and support me through it all!!!


Summer said...

Blah blah blah! Screw all the sappy stuff and just say you're going to go to the gym more......then don't do it. Plus it's better to not work out than to not be grateful!

Summer said...

Blah blah blah! Screw all that sappy stuff and just say you're going to go to the gym....then don't. Plus it's better to not work out than to not be grateful and say thank you. Eh?

Lew said...

Hey Larissa!! I have loved reading all your recent updates. You look so good and your kids are adorable, as always. I seriously can't believe how grown-up Mikaela looks!! Next time I see her she will probably be in YW's. We miss y'all!!