Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Derrek!!!

Happy Birthday Derrek!

Derrek found this ad on KSL that he thought was pretty funny. He and Summer were joking about it on facebook. Melissa, one of Derrek's friends, hired the ninja to entertain us for Derrek's birthday. Such an awesome idea! The ninja came and started to show us some of his mad skillz. Mikaela caught it on video. Check it out! You can also check out more pics on Hell is cold.

We had a super fun party/BBQ at Derrek's house. The whole ninja experience made it hilarious. After he fell, Derrek offered him a burger. He got it all ready and then realized he couldn't eat the burger without taking off his mask. So, he just made a plate and kept collecting food. He took a bunch of pictures with people. He was actually really weird. At one point, he asked who would like to kiss a ninja and Summer said she would. The rest of the night, he tried everything to get her to kiss him again and again and even said she could take off his mask. Derrek finally told him it was a good effort and sorta hinted that he could leave. As soon as I get the pictures, I will post some for you. It was one of the funnest parties I have been to in a long time. After he fell, we all laughed so hard. Dad was laughing hysterically. He even said it was the funniest thing he had seen in 67 freakin' years! Good times! Happy Birthday D-rock! Love ya.

Click here for last year's post.

1 comment:

Hillary said...

Hey Larissa,

I haven't heard from you in a while and I think I might be ready to really do that lunch we always talk about. But like the good friend that I am I have lost your email address and so I thought I would just leave a comment here and hope you have mine. I hope everything is going ok. call or email me and, lets set something up for after fall break.